(Invited) Improve Electrodes' Electrochemical Performance for HER and OER By Hydrogenation Treatment

Sunday, 13 May 2018: 16:50
Room 612 (Washington State Convention Center)
X. Chen (University of Missouri - Kansas City)
Hydrogen production through electrolysis has been regarded as one of the most promising solutions for large-scale production of clean fuels. However, most electrodes have large overpotentials in the HER and OER reactions during the water splitting process. Many approaches and methods have been developed to enhance the electrodes' performance. Here, we would like to present our studies on the hydrogenation of various electrode materials for HER and OER applications. We aim to reveal the structure-property-performance relationship for those electrodes after hydrogenation treatment. We wish our work could provide useful information and will be honored if our work can inspire new discovery and finding in the related fields to advance our understanding and technologies for efficient hydrogen production through electrolysis.