(Invited) Stochastics in Energy Storage: Interface to Microstructure

Tuesday, 15 May 2018: 08:00
Room 619 (Washington State Convention Center)
P. P. Mukherjee, A. N. Mistry (Purdue University), and K. Smith (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
Porous electrodes are central to electrochemical energy storage systems, such as lithium-ion batteries. Operational characteristics, including performance, life, and safety, of such batteries depend on the electrode microstructural complexities and associated stochasticity. The electrode microstructure depends strongly on the arrangement of the constituent phases (active material, conductive additives, binder, and voids containing electrolyte) resulting from the processing conditions. For example, solvent evaporation dynamics during the electrode slurry drying introduces stochasticity in local distribution of these solid phases. The pore-scale complexations of the transport-electrochemistry interaction may be further affected due to the interfacial stochasticity resulting from inhomogeneous distribution of the conductive binder domains at the active material – electrolyte interface, as shown schematically in the figure below. In this talk, a holistic perspective on the role of stochasticity, spanning across interface and microstructure scales, will be discussed in the context of lithium-ion battery electrode properties and performance.