Here we present ADA efforts in the development of a Li battery technology comprised from a nonflammable, high performance, room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL)-based or hydrofluoroether (HFE)-based electrolytes and a nano-engineered, atomic layer deposition (ALD) functional material coated, high voltage, high energy density cathode (i.e., high voltage LiCoO2 or HV-LCO). We demonstrate that such combinations can afford a Li battery technology with an unprecedented high energy density (over state-of-the-art Li-ion or Li batteries), high rate capability, a wide operation temperature range, long cycle life at room temperature (RT) and temperature extremes and safety.
Figure 1 shows electrolyte flammability test results. A lighter was used to ignite the electrolyte in a watch glass dish in open air. An organic solvent based, Li-ion battery baseline (conventional) electrolyte was ignited and self-burning when the ignitor was moved away. Each of the RTIL- and HFE-based electrolytes did not ignite and, no self-combustion was observed.
Figure 2 shows discharge voltage profiles of Li/HV-LCO cells with RTIL- and HFE-based nonflammable electrolytes as a function of temperature. The cells were cycled between 3-4.6V. At RT, the cells delivered a high specific capacity/energy (> 200 mAh/g and > 800 Wh/kg, cathode active weight). At 50°C, the cells delivered a slightly higher (1-3%) specific capacity than RT. At -20°C, the cells were cycled at C/10 rate and delivered ~75% of the capacity at RT (~155 mAh/g). At -40°C, the cells were cycled at C/20 rate. The HFE-based electrolyte cell delivered a much higher specific capacity (66.5 mAh/g) than the RTIL-based (negligible).
Figure 3 shows excellent rate capability of the RTIL-based electrolyte with 85% capacity retention at 10C rate.
Figure 4(a) shows high voltage cycle life between 3-4.6V at RT for pristine LCO and HV-LCO based Li cells using the RTIL-based electrolyte. The pristine LCO cells experienced a rapid capacity fade while the HV-LCO cells demonstrated excellent cycle life stability with > 92% capacity retention after 100 cycles. We attribute the excellent HV-LCO high voltage cycle performance to the ALD functional material coating on LCO; this coating effectively suppresses the degradation root cause, i.e., the Co4+ dissolution and hexagonal to monoclinic phase transition [3].
We also evaluated cycle life at an extreme high temperature of 75°C. Figure 4(b) shows high voltage cycle life test data for pristine LCO and HV-LCO based lithium cells using RTIL-based electrolyte with additives. The cells were cycled between 3-4.5V. The pristine LCO based cell still faded much more quickly than the HV-LCO based cell; the latter exhibited an extraordinary high voltage high temperature cycle resiliency (97% capacity retention after 30 cycles, vs. 75% of the pristine LCO) even at the extreme high temperature of 75°C. We attribute the outstanding cycle stability at 75°C to the synergistic benefits of nano-engineered cathode and passivation protection from the electrolyte additives.
Our study highlights the importance of combining high performance, safe electrolyte with nano-engineered cathode (e.g., ALD nano-engineered LCO) to render the resultant lithium battery with unprecedented energy density (gained from the high voltage operation), high rate capability, safety (nonflammability) and robust cycle life over a wide temperature range particularly at the extreme high temperatures (e.g., 75°C). We demonstrate that our Li battery technology is ideally suited for many high energy density and safety demanding applications, such as, electric drive vehicles, consumer electronics, medical, space and military applications.
- Peter Roth and Christopher J. Orendorff, Electrochem. Soc. Interface, Summer 2012, page 44.
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- Akira Yano, Masahiro Shikano, Atsushi Ueda, Hikari Sakaebe, and Zempachi Ogumi, Electrochem. Soc., 164, A6116 (2017).