Sunday, 13 May 2018: 16:50
Room 607 (Washington State Convention Center)
As rapid advancements of novel redox flow battery (RFB) chemistries continue, increasing the performance of these electrolytes as they interact with the cell hardware remains a persistent challenge. Though chemical lifetime of aqueous organic RFBs is one figure of merit demanding attention, all RFB chemistries can benefit from a detailed understanding of mass transport and electrochemical activity within the stack components. In this study we use fluorescence microscopy to rapidly image fluid flow and electrochemical activity through a combination of tracer particles and redox-active soluble quinones. We use several techniques for mapping fluorescent tracer particle trajectories to evaluate fluid streamlines, local velocities and spatial heterogeneities. This information is then coupled with a spatial distribution of quinone fluorescence, which is used to determine local state of charge and rates of diffusion and advection. Consideration of regional mass transport is important for a comprehensive understanding of RFB performance; spatial heterogeneities in porous electrodes, which we observe over surprisingly large scales, can limit total flow battery performance due to higher mass transport overpotentials. Imaging experiments are designed in a bottom-up approach from a single wire to a full porous electrode, illuminating opportunities for rationally designed cell hardware to improve RFB performance for any chemistry.