(Invited) Effect of the Carbon Matrix Surface Area and Thermal Treatment on the Activity and Durability of Fe-N-C Oxygen Reduction Catalysts

Tuesday, 15 May 2018: 16:20
Room 603 (Washington State Convention Center)
F. H. B. Lima (IQSC - Institute of Chemistry of Sao Carlos) and N. A. Galiote (Institute of Chemistry of Sao Carlos)
The sluggish oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and the high platinum loading in the cathode are important obstacles that should be overcome for the development of H2/air fuel cells. Thus, studies focused on highly active and cost-effective electrocatalysts have gained attention. Electrocatalysts formed by earth-abundant elements such as those based on iron, nitrogen and carbon (Fe-N-C) have gained considerable attention in research because they allow widespread commercialization of the fuel cells. Previous achievements regarding Fe-N-C oxygen reduction electrocatalysts have been described elsewhere and showed a significant effect of the carbon matrix surface area on the electrocatalytic activity and stability [1,2]. In the present paper, we will focus on the results of the consequence on activity and durability of the thermal treatments on Fe-N-C. The electrocatalyst were synthesized via Fe complexation with phenanthroline, followed by impregnation on carbon powder with different surface areas (Vulcan XC-72R and Black Pearls 2000). The thermal treatments were conducted at different temperatures and on Ar or NH3 atmosphere. The discussion will be focused on the correlation between the results encountered in the characterization by EXAFS, XRD and HR-TEM with those obtained during polarization experiments for the ORR using rotating disk electrode and during fuel cell tests. A strong effect of the thermal treatment temperature and of the surface area of the carbon powder was observed on the activity and durability, mainly for the fuel cell tests with H2/air. We believe that the results from this study may contribute to further understand the parameters that govern the activity and durability of Fe-N-C ORR catalysts.

[1] G.Wu, K.L. More, P. Xu, H-L. Wang, M. Ferrandon, A.J. Kropf, D.J. Myers, S. Ma, C.M. Johnston, P. Zelenay, Chem. Commun., 49 (2013) 3291 – 3293.

[2] L. Yang, N. Larouche, R. Chenitz, G. Zhang, M. Lefevre, J-P. Dodelet, Electrochim. Acta 159 (2015) 184 – 197.


The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from FAPESP (2013/16930-7, and 2016/13323-0) and CNPq.