In this work, we explore improved substrate materials, morphologies and device architectures that lead to more energy dense systems. Specifically, the development of composites based on the waste biomass-derived polymer polyfurfuryl alcohol (PFA) will be discussed. This resin-forming polymer is known to carbonize at high yield and form a microporous carbon upon high temperature thermal treatment. We demonstrate that this material can be carbonized by the CO2 laser but only in the presence of graphene oxide. Thermal treatment of resins with incorporated graphene oxide suggest a significant catalytic effect on the process of graphitization. Furthermore, when the film is made into a porous vs. non-porous resin, we observe no expansion or macropore development such that the electrodes remain embedded in the film – likely due to the short path length in the porous network for decomposition gases to escape. The improved electrode structure results in interdigitated electrodes achieving nearly five-fold increased areal capacitance and improved flexibility.
In addition to supercapacitor development, we will also discuss our recent efforts to develop flexible batteries based on the laser-induced graphene approach. In particular, we demonstrate the ability to nucleate/grow sulfur onto laser-induced graphene electrodes which can be melt-imbibed into the microporous network. We also demonstrate the ability to electroplate lithium metal directly onto the laser-scribed anode using a combination of pulse-reverse-pulse deposition2 and Ag-nanoparticles as a nucleation aid.3 While promising for device applications, the resulting flexible Li-S battery system is also useful for in situ investigations of speciation during battery operation.
- Lin, J., Peng, Z., Liu, Y., Ruiz-Zepeda, F., Ye, R., Samuel, E.L., Yacaman, M.J., Yakobson, B.I. and Tour, J.M., 2014. Laser-induced porous graphene films from commercial polymers. Nature communications, 5, p.5714.
- Yang, H., Fey, E.O., Trimm, B.D., Dimitrov, N. and Whittingham, M.S., 2014. Effects of Pulse Plating on lithium electrodeposition, morphology and cycling efficiency. Journal of Power Sources, 272, pp.900-908.
- Yan, K., Lu, Z., Lee, H.W., Xiong, F., Hsu, P.C., Li, Y., Zhao, J., Chu, S. and Cui, Y., 2016. Selective deposition and stable encapsulation of lithium through heterogeneous seeded growth. Nature Energy, 1, p.16010.