Although promising in concept, MFCs have very low power density, making them cost inefficient. A major performance limitation in MFCs has been identified in the cathode. Overall efficiency and power density a strongly influenced by cathode design and catalyst selection for the ORR [4, 5]. Previous modeling efforts have suggested oxygen crossover to the anode, oxygen diffusion to the ORR catalyst, and the catalyst used are major factors for low power density [6-8].
In this work, improved MFC performance is demonstrated using non-platinum group catalyst material. The novel catalyst was benchmarked against a platinum group catalyst. Using the novel non-platinum catalyst results in a modest increase in open circuit potential, and a significant increase in maximum current density and power density. In addition, we have investigated the influence of non-platinum catalyst loading on the overall performance. The novel catalysts used in this work demonstrated stability over months of operation. This suggests that the non-platinum group catalyst used in this work is more efficient than platinum group catalyst, improving the cell performance while simultaneously enabling lower cost.
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