Physical and Analytical General Session 2

Monday, 14 May 2018: 14:00-16:40
Room 620 (Washington State Convention Center)
Martin Edwin McBriarty and Robbyn K. Anand
Simulations and Experiments of the Kinetics of the Electrochemical Double Layer in Ionic Liquids
C. B. Uzundal, P. Aydogan-Gokturk, S. Suzer, and B. Ulgut (Bilkent University)
Quantum-Chemical Investigation of Molecular Structure and Thermodynamic Properties of Spiropyran Molecules (Cancelled)
Water Structure and Dynamics at Hematite Electrodes
M. E. McBriarty (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), J. E. Stubbs (GSECARS, University of Chicago), G. F. von Rudorff, J. Blumberger (University College London), E. J. Bylaska (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), P. J. Eng (GSECARS, University of Chicago), and K. M. Rosso (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Understanding the Stability and Surface Restructuring of Platinum in an Electrochemical Environment
I. T. McCrum (Leiden University), M. A. Hickner, M. J. Janik (The Pennsylvania State University), and M. T. M. Koper (Leiden University)
Mechanistic Insights into Furfural Reduction on Transition Metals Electrodes from First-Principles Methods
N. Shan (Kansas State University), M. K. Hanchett (University of Rochester), and B. Liu (Kansas State University)
Novel Electrochemical Cell Favorable for the Kinetic Studies of Highly Active Enzymes (Cancelled)
Extracting Kinetic Information from Bipolar Electrochemistry
R. K. Anand, K. L. Rahn, K. L. Knoche, J. S. Borchers, and O. L. Riusech (Iowa State University)