OER for PEM Electrolysis 2

Tuesday, 15 May 2018: 08:15-11:40
Room 606 (Washington State Convention Center)
Gang Wu , Jens Oluf Jensen and Shuai Zhao
Introductory Remarks
Synthesis and Evaluation of Iridium Oxide Nanoparticle Catalysts Supported on Nitrogen-Doped Reduced Graphene Oxides
M. Hara, R. Badam, G. J. Wang, H. H. Huang, and M. Yoshimura (Toyota Technological Institute)
Model-Supported Analysis of Degradation Phenomena of a PEM Water Electrolysis Cell under Dynamic Operation
S. H. Frensch, A. C. Olesen, S. Simon Araya, and S. K. Kær (Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University)
A Novel and Economical Rde-Based Approach for Investigating the Oxidation Evolution Reaction Activity of IrO2-Based Catalyst Coated Membranes
J. T. H. Kwan (University of British Columbia), M. Kroschel (Technische Universität Berlin), A. Nouri-Khorasani, A. Bonakdarpour (University of British Columbia), P. Strasser (Technische Universität Berlin), and D. P. Wilkinson (University of British Columbia)
Highly Active and Durable Ir Catalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction for Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolysis
H. Xu, L. Yan, S. Zhao (Giner, Inc.), K. L. More (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), and R. Stone (Giner ELX)
Degradation of IrOx Nanoparticles Supported Onto Sb-Doped SnO2 Aerogel Monitored By Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Identical-Location TEM
F. Claudel, L. Dubau (CNRS, LEPMI, F-38000 Grenoble, France), S. Sunde (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), G. Ozouf (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, F-38000 Grenoble, CEA), C. Beauger (MINES ParisTech), L. Piccolo (IRCELYON), and F. Maillard (CNRS, LEPMI, F-38000 Grenoble, France)