Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy of SiO2/Si, Nanocomposites of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes and Polyamide, Polyethylene, Polyvinyl Chloride, Extended Polystyrene

Tuesday, 11 October 2022
Y. A. Onanko, D. V. Charnyi, A. P. Onanko, E. M. Matselyuk, O. P. Dmytrenko, M. P. Kulish, T. M. Pinchuk-Rugal, and P. P. Ilyin (Kyiv national university)
Abstract: In this work after X-ray irradiation outcomes of the evaluation of dynamic characteristics interstitial atoms Sij, vacancy V and O-complexes was applied for account of a condition of an annealing with the purpose of deriving specific structural defects in SiO2/Si wafer-plate. The nondestructive method, which is allow to determine from internal friction difference ΔQ-1/Q-10 of elastic vibrations structure defects density Nd and the depth of broken layer hb, is offered for SiO2/Si wafer-plates.

1. Introduction

Defect annealing leads to a change in the shape of the internal friction (IF) temperature spectrum Q-1(T) [1]. IF method allows to set the spectrum of structural defects on the analysis of positions of maximums IF, on duration of relaxation time τ and on their deposit in attenuation of elastic vibrations [2]. A non-destructive method for the technological control of the structure defects by measuring internal friction (IF) and elastic modulus E after laser radiation was developed.

2. Experimental procedure

Ultrasonic (US) pulse-phase method using USMV-LETI, modernized USMV-KNU and computerized “KERN-4” with frequencies f ≈ 1 MHz and f ≈ 0,7 MHz, US invariant-polarization method for determining the effective acoustic μil and elastic constants Cijkl were used [3,4]. The measured velocity error was equal to ΔV/V = 0,5÷1,5%.

The study of influence of structure defects on damping of vibrations in Si/SiO2 wafer-plates by the diameter of D = 100÷60 mm and by the thickness of hSiO2 ≈ 600 nm, hSi ≈ 470 000 nm, allows to estimate the degree of perfection of crystalline structure

Metallography optical supervision of microstructure by means of the microscope ”LOMO MVT”, atomic-force microscopy (AFM) were used.

3. Results and discussion

The quasi-longitudinal US velocity V║[001] = 5870 m/s, elastic modulus E001 = ρV║[001]2 = 80,28 GPa for SiO2/Si from the oscillogram were determined. Temperature dependence of internal friction Q-1(T) in SiO2/Si wafer-plate p-type, doped with B, KDB-7.5(100) diameter D ≈ 76∙10-3 m, thickness hSi ≈ 460∙103 nm with SiO2 layer thickness hSiO2 ≈ 100 nm after X-ray irradiation with dose Dγ ≈ 102 Gy is showed.

4. Conclusions

1. The growth of internal friction maximum height QM-1 testifies the growth of the structural defects concentration n, and the broadening of internal friction maximum ΔQM-1 here represents the relaxation process of structural defects new types in SiO2/Si wafer-plate.

2. It was found that as the result of the structural defect annealing IF background Q0-1 significantly decreases during measuring of IF temperature dependence Q-1(T), which indicates the improvement of SiO2/Si crystal structure.

3. The elastic modulus Е, the shear modulus G, Poisson coefficient μ, IF Q-1 are dependent from SiO2/Si wafer-plate anisotropy.

4. The value of IF background Q-10 after temperature T, mechanical treatments describes the changes of the elastic stress σi fields in SiO2/Si wafer-plate.

5. The study of vibrations of disk wafer-plate Si/SiO2 at different harmonic frequencies f0, f2 made it possible to develop the technique for determining the structural defects density nD for semiconductor wafers-substrates.

6. The relationship between IF Q-1 value, the logarithmic decrement of ultrasound damping δ and the dislocations density nD was established for disk-shaped semiconductor wafers-substrates.


This work has been supported by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for perspective development of a scientific direction "Mathematical sciences and natural sciences" at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.


[1] Golovin I. S. 2012 Internal friction and mechanical spectroscopy of metal materials (Moscow: Publishing company MISIS).

[2] Shpak A. P., Kunickiy Y. A. and Karbovskiy V. L. 2001 Cluster and nano structural materials (Kyiv: Academy periodicals).

[3] Onanko A. P., Kuryliuk V. V., Onanko Y. A. et al. 2020 Peculiarity of elastic and inelastic properties of radiation cross-linked hydrogels. J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 12, № 4, 04026(5).


[4] Onanko A. P., Kuryliuk V. V., Onanko Y. A. et al. 2021 Features of inelastic and elastic characteristics of Si and SiO2/Si structures. J. Nano- Electron. Phys. 13, № 5, 05017(5).