(Invited) Photoelectrochemical Processing of Semiconductor Devices

Wednesday, 12 October 2022: 14:00
Room 210 (The Hilton Atlanta)
P. Kohl (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Many of the chemical processes used to fabricate and metallize semiconductor devices are based on oxidation-reduction reaction. Electro-chemical processes using the semiconductor itself have the advantage of being able to photo-generate the reactants within the semiconductor to carryout local reactions. The development of photoelectrochemical methods to process features in semiconductor devices is a subject unique to the Electrochemical Society because it is at the intersection of electrochemistry and semiconductor device fabrication. Specific symposia at ECS meeting have explored these subjects. In particular, Noel Buckley was a motivating force behind the State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors (SOTAPOCS) symposium series which offered venues for presenting interdisciplinary results of this kind. In this talk, several examples of chemical and photoelectrochemical processes for semiconductor device manufacturing from past ECS SOTAPOCS symposia, organized by Noel Buckley, will be described.