We report a discovery that the use of a soft piezoelectric film as separator can effectively suppress the formation of lithium dendrite and stabilize the lithium surface during electrodeposition system [2, 3]. When the film is deformed by any local protrusion because of surface instability of the deposited lithium, a local piezoelectric overpotential is generated to suppress lithium deposition on the protrusion. We have established a theory that integrates electrochemistry, piezoelectricity and mechanics. We developed multiphysics computations to simulate dendrite growth in contact with a piezoelectric film. We find that the dendrite-suppression capability is over 6 orders stronger than the limit of mechanical blocking by any separators or solid-state electrolytes. Simulations show that the mechanism ensures deposition to form a flat surface even if the initial substrate surface has significant protrusions, suggesting its robustness and effectiveness against manufacturing defects. We show that the mechanism is so strong that even a weak piezoelectric material is highly effective, opening up a wide range of materials.
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- Liu, G., Wang, D., Zhang, J., Kim, A. and Lu, W. Preventing dendrite growth by a soft piezoelectric material. ACS Mater. Lett.(2019) 1: 498-505.
- Gao, T., Rainey, C. and Lu, W. Piezoelectric mechanism and a compliant film to effectively suppress dendrite growth. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. (2020) 12: 51448–51458.