We investigated the LDPE-base membranes with Pt black, Pd black, PdAg, and Ag as the ORR catalysts, whereas for HOR the Pt black, Pd black, and NiFe catalysts were used. The in-situ measurements are performed with a micro-AEMFC inserted into a resonator of an electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometer, which enables separate monitoring of radicals formed on the anode and cathode sides. The creation of radicals was monitored by the EPR spin trapping technique. In Figure 1 the EPR spectra of DMPO spin adducts trapped during operation of micro-fuel cell placed in EPR spectrometer cavity are presented. In this experiment, the LDPE-base membrane with platinum catalysts on both sides was used. The main detected adducts during the operation of the micro-AEMFC were DMPO-OOH and DMPO-OH on the cathode side and DMPO-H on the anode side. Additionally, we clearly show the formation and presence of stable radicals in AEMs during and after long-term AEMFC operation [5]. Preliminary results suggest that the creation of the short-living radicals during AEMFCs operation is independent of the used membrane. However, the applied catalysts determine the number of detected radicals. The EPR investigations indicate that, in addition to the known chemical degradation mechanisms of the cationic ammonium groups of the membrane, oxidative degradation, including radical reactions, has to be taken into account when the stability of an anion conductive polymer for AEMFCs is investigated. The formation of stable radicals in AEMs was proven for the first time in this study. All short-living radicals formed during the AEMFC operation were fully identified. The presence of radicals in the AEM after AEMFC testing indicates that reactive oxygen species may play a very important role in the degradation mechanism of the anion conducting polymers. Results from this study shed light on the understanding of radical formation and presence in the membranes during AEMFC tests, which in turn may help to solve the challenge of anion exchange membrane stability.
Acknowledgments. This work was supported by the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) project OPUS-14, No. 2017/27/B/ST5/01004.
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