I01E Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers 22(PEFC&E 22) - Materials for Alkaline Fuel Cells and Direct-Fuel Fuel Cells

Lead Organizer: William Earl Mustain (University of South Carolina)

Co-organizers: Robert A. Mantz (United States Army Research Office) and Dario R Dekel (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology)

Sunday, 9 October 2022


I01E - Anion Exchange Membranes
Galleria 6
Chair(s): Dario R. Dekel and William Earl Mustain

Monday, 10 October 2022


Wednesday, 12 October 2022


I01E - Catalysts for AEM-Devices
Galleria 7
Chair(s): William Earl Mustain and Dario R. Dekel


I01E - AEM Devices and Alcohol Fuels
Galleria 7
Chair(s): William Earl Mustain, Paul Kohl and Dario R. Dekel