I01E - Anion Exchange Membranes

Sunday, 9 October 2022: 14:00-17:20
Galleria 6 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Dario R. Dekel and William Earl Mustain
(Invited) Durability and Accelerated Aging of Anion-Conducting Membranes and Ionomers
D. Nellithala, P. Shah, and P. Kohl (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Which Properties Should Anion-Exchange Membranes Have to Achieve a Longer Fuel Cell Lifetime?
K. Yassin, I. G. Rasin, S. Brandon (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology), and D. R. Dekel (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
(Invited) Ions Transport Properties and Carbonation Process Investigation of Nanocomposite Anion Exchange Membranes Containing Layered Double Hydroxide
I. Nicotera (University of Calabria, CNR-ITAE), C. Simari, E. Lufrano, M. H. U. Rehman (University of Calabria), D. R. Dekel (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology), and V. Baglio (CNR-ITAE)
Effect of Carbonate Anions on the Stability of Quaternary Ammonium Groups for Aemfcs
S. Willdorf-Cohen, S. Li (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology), S. Srebnik (University of British Columbia), C. E. Diesendruck, and D. R. Dekel (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Properties of Cyclic Conducting Moieties As OH- Transport in Anion Exchange Membrane for Fuel Cell Application: A Molecular Dynamic Study
T. T. Letsau (University of Johannesburg), T. Mabuchi (Tohoku University), and P. F. Msomi (University of Johannesburg)
(Invited) Radiation-Grafted Anion-Exchange Membranes for Reverse Electrodialysis (RED): The Effect of Changing Functional Groups on Key Properties
J. Varcoe, I. Salam, A. Chakraborty, M. Choolaei, R. Bance-Souahli, and T. Willson (University of Surrey)