Instead of using a conventional set-up, also bipolar electrochemistry can be employed for the anodization of valve metals [3-7]. In this set-up, the Ti substrate is placed in an electrolyte between two so-called feeder electrodes, which are connected to the potentiostat. Due to the electric field between the feeder electrodes, the Ti substrate is polarized. If the applied potential between the feeder electrodes is high enough, redox reactions can be driven on the Ti substrate. This method opens new doors for the preparation of TNT layers with gradients in dimensions (i.e. diameter and length of the nanotubes) [3-5] as well as for the preparation of TNT layers on Ti substrates, which cannot be directly connected to the potentiostat, e.g. Ti spheres [8].
In this presentation, the preparation of TNT layers on small Ti spheres [8] as well as on 3D printed Ti substrates [9] using bipolar electrochemistry will be shown and discussed. Furthermore, we will also show the possibility of using closed bipolar electrochemical cells, consisting of two closed half-cells with the Ti substrate as obstacle between the cells [10].
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