C04 - Advanced Electrochemical Techniques 1

Monday, 10 October 2022: 14:00-16:00
Room 307 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Michael Rohwerder and Masayuki Itagaki
Kelvin Probe Techniques in Corrosion Science: An Overview of the Latest Developments
M. Rohwerder (Max Planck Institut fuer Eisenforschung GmbH)
Calibration of the Scanning Kelvin Probe By Applied External Potential
R. A. Zeszut Jr. and D. C. Hansen (University of Dayton)
On the Importance of Geometry in Open Bipolar Electrochemistry Configurations for Corrosion Studies
A. K. Ghamsari (University of South Florida), T. M. Braun (National Institute of Standards and Technology), and C. L. Alexander (University of South Florida)
Bipolar Electrochemistry for the Synthesis of Anodic TiO2 Nanotube Layers
H. Sopha and J. M. Macak (University of Pardubice)