Development of a Framework for Modeling Protection Mechanisms Provided By Multi-Layered Organic Coatings Applied to Aerospace Al Alloys Via Finite Element Analysis

Monday, 10 October 2022: 14:40
Room 307 (The Hilton Atlanta)
C. Vicente Moraes and R. G. Kelly (University of Virginia)
Aluminum alloys, such as AA2024 and AA7050, are widely used in aerospace applications due to their high strength-to-weight ratio. However, because of the heterogeneous microstructure of these alloys, they are susceptible to microgalvanic corrosion and pitting in chloride-containing environments. The corrosion susceptibility is further increased when these alloys are in contact with more noble alloys, such as in locations near fasteners, where the galvanic interaction leads to accelerated corrosion attack of the less noble Al alloy. To protect these structures against corrosion attack, organic coatings are commonly used. Typical coating systems are usually composed of three layers: a conversion coating, a primer, and a topcoat. When the topcoat is breached, the primer can provide active corrosion protection by the release of inhibitors embedded in the primer. Depending on the type of inhibitor, it can provide chemical protection by the formation of a passive film on the surface of the exposed metallic area and/or provide cathodic protection by the preferential dissolution of sacrificial anodes.

The efficacy of the corrosion protection provided by the multilayered coating system to Al alloys in aircraft components exposed to atmospheric corrosion is affected by a large number of variables. The dynamic environment in which the component is exposed to (e.g., relative humidity, temperature, salt loading density), the geometry of the component, the chemistry of the primer, and the type of alloy are examples of important parameters that impact the corrosion and protection mechanisms. To unravel the impact of each one of these variables and/or the synergistic effects between them, a large volume of experimental work is needed, making the prediction of coating failure, corrosion damage, and, ultimately, component lifetime, remarkably challenging. In this context, the development of computational models that can simulate corrosion and corrosion protection mechanisms is attractive, as they can be used as tool to effectively assess the large parameter space and increase efficiency of experimental work.

This work focuses on developing a framework for modeling the protection mechanisms offered by chromate-based and Mg-rich primers via finite element analysis. Chemical and electrochemical protection mechanisms were modeled taking into consideration leaching of inhibitor from the primer, mass transport and the impact of the inhibitors in the electrochemistry of the Al alloys. The impact of environmental, geometric, and coating parameters on the effectiveness of the protection mechanisms was assessed. Ultimately, the framework developed will provide a better understanding of protection mechanisms of the organic coating systems and serve as a framework to study new coating systems.