Monday, 10 October 2022: 15:00
Room 215 (The Hilton Atlanta)
The deep decarbonization of difficult to abate sectors such as chemicals and aviation in the mid to long term will likely require the successful maturation, commercialization, and deployment of new CO2 capture as well as CO2 utilization technologies at the hundreds of millions of tonnes per annum scale or more. In this presentation, we will provide an overview of Shell’s recent R&D efforts in upscaling two key electrochemical technologies in this space from the bench to the pilot scale and beyond: water electrolysis and CO2/CO electrolysis. In particular, for the electrolysis of CO2/CO, we will present a systems view by comparing against alternative thermochemical options such as reverse water gas shift for syngas manufacturing and CO2 to methanol to olefins for ethylene production. The assessments will be made from a specific energy consumption, capital cost, critical materials availability, and ease of scalability point of view. Finally, we will present R&D gaps that could be collectively addressed by the broader community to further improve the technology’s future industrial prospects.