I05 - Electrosynthesis of Fuels: Technology Maturation and Industrial Perspectives

Monday, 10 October 2022: 13:40-16:00
Room 215 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Elisa Miller-Link , Christopher Hahn and Sumit Verma
Electrochemical CO2 Conversion with Packed Bed Membraneless Electrolyzers
X. Pang (Columbia University), S. Verma, C. Liu (Shell International Exploration and Production Inc.), and D. V. Esposito (Columbia University)
(Invited) Perspectives of Advanced Electrolysis for Green Chemicals Manufacturing
H. Xu, N. Macauley (Giner, Inc.), T. Zhang (Giner Inc), S. Zhong (Giner, Inc.), M. Pupucevski (University at Buffalo, Giner, Inc.), and J. Lattimer (Giner Inc)
Efficient CO2 Electroreduction in a Zero-Gap Electrolyzer with a Porous Diaphragm
S. Nakai, T. Ichihara, K. Akamine, R. Goto, Y. Fujii, and T. Usui (ASAHI KASEI CORPORATION)