We will discuss the major limitations of XFC in LiBs by first using experimental and modeling results followed by a comprehensive electrochemical analysis of cycle life aging implications for different charging conditions (e.g., 1C to 9C rate conditions). We will then discuss the aging mechanisms using comprehensive post-testing as well as multimodal and multi-scale microscopy techniques.
Solid state diffusion in the negative electrode is not a key limiting factor for the fast charge conditions evaluated. Inadequate Li+ transport through the electrolyte primarily causes performance and distinct aging phenomena in LiBs. Eliminating the Li+ transport limitation within the electrolyte can offer a distinct increase in material utilization, avoiding Li deposition. Under such circumstances, the cathode could degrade in distinct ways depending on the particular NMC (e.g., NMC532 vs. NMC811) variants.
NMC811 experiences a greater subsurface crystallographic degradation and interfacial degradation and displays similar extents of sub-particle cracking as compared to NMC532 under comparable charging conditions. Surprisingly, the NMC811 maintains superior electrochemical performance despite the more aggressive degradations. We found the better cycle life performance of NMC811 to be related to its inherently better solid state diffusion, electronic conduction, and radially oriented grain architecture.
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