A05 - Fast Charging Batteries

Monday, 10 October 2022: 13:40-16:00
Room 216 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Yuan Yang and Chunsheng Wang
Electrolyte Channel Design By Physical Model and Machine Learning
T. Gao and W. Lu (University of Michigan)
Mitigating Heterogeneities in Lithium-Ion Battery Modules Under Fast Charging
C. Yang, K. Smith, A. M. Colclasure, and M. Keyser (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
Key Aging Modes and Mechanisms for Extreme Fast Charging of Lithium-Ion Batteries
T. R. Tanim (Idaho National Laboratory), Z. Yang (Argonne National Laboratory), D. P. Finegan (University College London), A. M. Colclasure (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), E. J. Dufek (Idaho National Laboratory), I. Bloom (Argonne National Laboratory), P. J. Weddle (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), M. Evans (Idaho National Laboratory), K. Smith (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), and A. N. Jansen (Argonne National Laboratory)
Carbon-Binder Optimization for Lithium-Ion Battery Extreme Fast Charge
F. L. E. Usseglio-Viretta, A. M. Colclasure (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), A. Dunlop, S. E. Trask, A. N. Jansen, D. P. Abraham, M. T. F. Rodrigues (Argonne National Laboratory), E. J. Dufek, T. R. Tanim, P. R. Chinnam (Idaho National Laboratory), Y. Ha, and K. Smith (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)