Anodic polarization curves showed only a single oxidation wave that can be attributed to uranium metal dissolution. Increasing palladium content in the alloy from 1.5 to 10 wt. % did not noticeably affect the character of the polarization curves. These results were confirmed by the analysis of the non-stationary chronopotiograms. The performed calculations indicated a three-electron scheme of uranium dissolution from U–Pd alloys. The anodic current densities not exceeding ca. 1 A/cm2 were recommended for further investigation. Increase anodic current density over 1 A/cm2 is undesirable due to possible salt passivation phenomenon.
In a separate series of experiments prolonged anodic dissolution of uranium-palladium alloys were performed in a galvanostatic regime. In this case the cathodic space was separated from the bulk of the melt by an inert membrane. It was found that palladium species were not observed in the electrolytes when anodic current densities of ca. 0.35 and 0.6 A/cm2 were applied (Figure).
The obtained results were confirmed during the experiments on U–Pd alloy electrorefining that were performed using a semi-industrial scale electrolysis set-up.