L02 - Reactions and Separations

Wednesday, 12 October 2022: 16:00-18:00
Room 303 (The Hilton Atlanta)
David P. Durkin
(Invited) Functionalized Water-Mimicking Ionic Liquids for Biocatalysis
H. Zhao (Howard University), C. Martin (University of Northern Colorado), G. Baker (University of Missouri), and K. Mitchell-Koch (Wichita State University)
Separation and Recovery of Iodine from Molten Salt By Electrolysis Using Copper As a Collector
Y. Norikawa (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University), M. Iizuka (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry), and T. Nohira (Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University)
Electrodeposition of Electrolytic Niobium Coatings on the Cryogyroscope Rotor
M. A. Okunev, A. R. Dubrovskii, O. V. Makarova, and S. A. Kuznetsov (Tananaev Institute of Chemistry, Kola Science Centre RAS)
Anodic Dissolution of U-Pd Alloys in 3LiCl-2KCl Based Melts
D. I. Nikitin, A. S. Dedyukhin (Ural Federal University), A. V. Shchetinskiy (URAL Federal University), V. A. Volkovich (Ural Federal University), D. Maltsev (URAL Federal University), O. I. Rebrin, and I. B. Polovov (Ural Federal University)
Modern State and Prospects of Electrochemical CO2 Conversion in Molten Salts
I. Novoselova (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, V. I. Vernadskii Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry)