In previous art, alternative electrolytes, electrolyte additives, and artificial SEIs were studied [4] [5]. For example, the electrolyte additive lithium fluoride (LiF) was used in carbonate electrolytes and provided a strong protective layer that reduced side reactions and improved the life capacity of the battery [6]. Recently, 3-dimensional design of the anode’s current collector was shown to accommodate Li deposition resulting in suppressed SEI growth and volume expansion during cycling [7].
In the present work, we use sulfur-containing compounds as additives at a very low concentration (1 – 50 mM) in standard 1M LiPF6 EC:DMC (v:v = 1:1). Coin cells (2032) were assembled using lithium foil (100 mm thick), separator (Celgard), and NMC811 cathode (> 10 mg/cm2). Cells were first rested and activated at a slow rate then cycled at C/3 and 1C for charge and discharge respectively in prescribed voltage cutoff window. As shown in Figure 1, the sulfur-containing cell had more than 300 cycles before 90% capacity retention relative to the beginning of life (BOL) capacity. The sulfur-free control cell lasted less than 150 cycles above the 90% retention line. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements for cycled cells showed lower interfacial resistance for cells with sulfur-containing additives compared to control cells. The reason for the improved cycle stability can be attributed to the stability afforded by the additives to the SEI layer.
Figure 1: A comparison of cell performance between control (black) and sulfur-containing additive (green). The Red line indicates the 90% retention of the battery.
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