We will show that this family of semiconductors provide an additional flexibility to control the charge carrier states and achieve a selective confinement of holes. The latter benefit from a quiet quantum environment that has been at the core of increasingly reliable quantum processors and memories. However, most if not all available experimental studies of two-dimensional gas systems have been thus far focused on heavy-hole (HH) states. This is attributed to the nature of the heterostructures currently available (e.g, Ge/SiGe, InGaAs/GaAs), where compressive strain lifts the valence band degeneracy and leaves HH states energetically well above the light-hole (LH) states. We will demonstrate that tensile strained Ge/GeSn quantum wells alleviate these limitations and allow to selectively confine LH provided the strain is higher than 1%. This requires strain relaxed, high Sn content GeSn buffer layers to be used to grow Ge quantum wells with LH ground state, high g-factor anisotropy, and a tunable splitting of the hole subbands. The optical and electronic properties of these low-dimensional systems will be described and discussed. Spin injection and coherent control will also be addressed. Additionally, qubit designs exploiting the ability to engineer LH states and the Ge large spin-orbit coupling allowing fast all-electrical spin-manipulation schemes will also be presented and discussed.