Wednesday, 12 October 2022: 11:20
Galleria 8 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Unlike batteries in classical experimental settings, batteries in practical applications are generally not discharged immediately upon reaching a fully charged state but remain for a period of time before usage. Such a state is demanding on the cathode as much of the Ni-rich layered oxide degradation mechanisms occur at the deeply charged state. Here, we examine a Ni-rich cathode material (i.e., Li[Ni0.90Co0.05Mn0.05]O2) under conditions simulating real-use behavior of batteries and find that the addition of a short dwell period at the deeply charged state leads to substantial differences in cycling performance (89.4 % versus 37.5 % retention rates after 100 cycles, respectively). Furthermore, to overcome the rapid deterioration, Sb was used as a dopant to promote stability, especially at the grain boundaries regions, to suppress degradation at the cathode-electrolyte interface. The resulting cathode energy material (i.e., Li[Ni0.895Co0.05Mn0.05Sb0.05]O2) proved to be stable during extended periods at the charged state.