Thermal Optimization of AlGaN/Diamond Interfaces Via Tuning Al-Concentration and N-Implantation

Monday, 10 October 2022: 09:00
Room 213 (The Hilton Atlanta)
H. T. Aller (University of Maryland), C. Cress, M. Tadjer, T. J. Anderson, T. Feygelson, B. Pate, K. D. Hobart (Naval Research Laboratory), A. Khan (University of South Carolina), S. Chowdhury (University of California Davis), and S. Graham (University of Maryland)
Top-side diamond heat sinks facilitate heat removal from hot-spots near the gate electrode of power MOSFETs. For GaN-based devices however, diamond growth processes will etch GaN layers, damaging device structures and lowering thermal boundary conductance (TBC). In this study, we combat GaN-etching using two methods: altering the Al-concentration of AlGaN films and by implanting Nitrogen on the surface of AlGaN.

First, for the Al concentrations of 0, 10, 25, 50, 75% (compared to Ga), we measure the TBC of AlGaN/Diamond interfaces using time-domain thermoreflectance. The integrity of these AlGaN/Diamond interfaces is inspected via tunneling-electron microscopy.

Second, we use hyperthermal ion-implantation to implant Nitrogen on the surface of an AlGaN film. Implanting concentration is varied across the sample from 0% to 20% areal defect density, followed by diamond growth. Scanning measurements across the sample, a high-throughput map of TBC versus implant concentration is obtained. Local maxima in TBC identify ideal concentrations of Nitrogen.