Here durability test of Ni-doped strontium iron titanate (STFN) was conducted at 850oC under different fuel conditions and redox cycles were introduced during these life-tests. Degradation in both ohmic resistance (R0) and polarization resistance (Rp) was observed during aging in 97% H2 + 3% H2O, and the introduction of wet Ar after 240-hour aging successfully recovered some of the electrochemical performance of STFN. In-situ X-ray diffraction shows the formation of Ruddlesden-Popper phase together with Ni-Fe alloy exsolution upon exposing to 97% H2 + 3% H2O and the change in composition over time was also observed. Scanning electron microscopy also shows coarsening of exsolved nanoparticles and microstructural change of perovskite electrodes. Moreover, life tests of STFN were also conducted in 50% H2 + 50% H2O and 50% H2 + 50% H2O at 850oC. Despite the more Ni-rich exsolved nanoparticles due to the higher oxygen partial pressure, the durability was worse than that of 97% H2 + 3% H2O. The increased degradation rate was attributed to the microstructural change of the parent perovskite phase.