E02 Poster Session

Monday, 10 October 2022: 18:00-20:00
Development of a Quantitative and Predictive Model for Electrodeposition of Metals and Alloys with Experimental Verifications
Y. Ma, J. Pepas (Georgia Institute of Technology), M. Kang, J. Carsley (Novelis Inc. Novelis Global Research & Technology Center), and H. Chen (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Electrochemical Recovery of Cobalt Using Environmentally Friendly Ethylene Glycol Based Solvent Systems
I. N. Perera, J. M. Pringle, K. Periyapperuma (Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University), A. Siriwardana (Tecnalia, Basque Research and Technology Alliance), and C. Pozo-Gonzalo (Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University)
Innovative Processes for a Low Impact in the Electroplating of Stainless Steel
W. Giurlani, F. Biffoli, G. Pappaianni, E. Mariani, A. Meoli, T. Dini, F. Pizzetti, and M. Innocenti (University of Florence)
Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction from Electrophoretically-Deposited BiSbSe3 Nanoparticles
N. P. Dileep, L. Kollenchery Puthenveettil, S. Nagaraju Myakala, and M. Shaijumon (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research)
Ruthenium Doped Lscf Based Cathode for Enhanced Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
A. Ullah (University of Science and Technology South Korea, Kora Institute of Energy Research, South Korea), S. S. Hussain (Chungnm National Unversity), and B. Hussain (University of science and Technology South Korea)