A01 - Battery Characterization Techniques

Thursday, 13 October 2022: 14:00-17:20
Room 224 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Bharat Gattu , Deepa Madan and A Manivannan
Understanding the Nanostructures in the Electrolytes By Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering
T. Li (Northern Illinois University/Argonne National Lab)
Quantification of the Mesoscale Spatiotemporal Heterogeneities in Nickel-Rich Layered Oxide Cathodes By Raman Spectroscopy
S. Agrawal, R. Gupta, P. Sittisomwong, S. Singamaneni, and P. Bai (Washington University in St. Louis)
In Situ Analytical Techniques: Solid Electrolyte Interface Analysis of Al Anode Materials for Al-Ion Batteries
K. Palanisamy, S. Daboss (Universitaet Ulm), F. Rahide, S. Dsoke (Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie), and C. Kranz (Universitaet Ulm)
Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy to Probe in Operando electrochemical Conversion
A. M. Graf, T. Cochard, K. Amini (Harvard University), S. Rubinstein (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), and M. Aziz (Harvard University)
Multi-Harmonic Electrothermal Spectroscopy (METS), a New Technique for Spatially Resolved Electrochemical Measurements
D. Chalise (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UC Berkeley), J. Schaadt (Stanford University, UC Berkeley), A. Dhar (UC Berkeley), V. Srinivasan (Argonne National Laboratory), S. Lubner (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), S. Kaur (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and R. Prasher (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UC Berkeley)