A06 - Cell Components Manufacturing

Wednesday, 12 October 2022: 09:00-12:00
Room 219 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Corie Lynn Cobb and Ran Yi
(Invited) Manufacturing 3D Electrode Architectures Via Acoustophoresis
C. L. Cobb (University of Washington), M. R. Begley (University of California Santa Barbara), E. N. Armstrong (University of Washington), and K. E. Johnson (University of California Santa Barbara)
Effects of Sulfur Cathode Topography on Cycling of Practical Li–S Batteries
L. Shi, C. Anderson, S. Feng, J. Liu, J. Xiao, and D. Lu (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
The Effect of Binder on the Structure and Performance of Sulfur Cathodes in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
S. A. Lateef, M. Manjum, W. E. Mustain, and G. Jalilvand (University of South Carolina)
Scalable Synthesis of High Performance Silicon Anode by Impregnation of Pitch in Nanoporous Silicon
R. Yi, S. Chae, Y. Xu, H. S. Lim (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), D. Velickovic (PNNL), X. Li, Q. Li, C. Wang, and J. G. Zhang (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Morphology of Transition Metal Carbonate Cathode Precursors
P. Barai, M. Wolfman, X. Wang, J. Chen, A. Gutierrez (Argonne National Laboratory), J. Garcia (ANL), J. Wen (Argonne National Laboratory, Electron Microscopy Center), T. Fister, H. Iddir, and V. Srinivasan (Argonne National Laboratory)
Single Step Electrochemical Recovery and Regeneration of Cathode Materials
J. G. Sederholm, A. Patra, and P. V. Braun (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Direct-Recycling of LiFePO4 Cathodes from a Hybrid-Electric Bus Battery Via Chemical Relithiation
K. Ramirez-Meyers and J. Whitacre (Carnegie Mellon University)