M01 - Recent Advances in Sensor and Systems 3- Materials for Sensing

Wednesday, 12 October 2022: 14:00-16:00
Room 312 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Pengyu Chen and Harshini Mukundan
La2Zr2O7:Pr3+ Nanoparticles for Luminescence Thermometry Based on a Single Parameter
F. Jahanbazi and Y. Mao (Illinois Institute of Technology)
(Invited) Challenges with Electronic Biosensors
E. M. Vogel, E. L. Brightbill, H. Gezahagne, and D. S. Jin (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Micro-Surface Engineering of Integrated Silicon Microtechnologies for the Development of Sensing and Biosensing Platforms
V. B. Juska (Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork) and A. O'Riordan (Tyndall National Institute)
Anodic Aluminum Oxide(AAO)-Based Chemi-Capacitive Sensor Toward Ethanol Gas
G. H. Lim, I. Y. Kim, C. Y. Kim, M. J. Lee, J. Kim, D. H. Kim, and J. H. Lim (Gachon University)
Li6BaLa2Ta2O12 solid State Probe for Molten Alloys
E. L. Pallarès, M. Nel-lo, A. Hinojo, S. Colominas, and J. Abella (IQS School of Engineering Universitat Ramon Llull)