L01 - Electrochemical Processing, Kinetics and Materials

Tuesday, 11 October 2022: 15:40-17:40
Room 302 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Andrew Campion Hillier and Stephen J. Paddison
Effect of pH on Electrochemical Dissolution of Iridium
M. Zlatar, D. Escalera López, K. Stojanovski, V. Briega Martos, and S. Cherevko (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
Poly(norepinephrine) As a Functional Additive for Hybrid Cellulose/Agarose-Based Hydrogel Membranes: Application to Supercapacitors
N. H. Wisinska (University of Warsaw, Warsaw University of Technology), M. Skunik-Nuckowska (University of Warsaw), S. Dyjak (Military University of Technology), W. Wieczorek (Warsaw University of Technology), and P. J. Kulesza (University of Warsaw)
Investigating Nafion Responsiveness Via Coupled Transport-Mechanical Network Modelling
P. Goyal, A. Kusoglu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), and A. Z. Weber (Energy Technologies Area, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Fenton Chemistry at Polarized Liquid-Liquid Interfaces for Interfacial Electropolymerization
B. M. B. Felisilda (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw), D. Gamero (Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Alicante, Spain), M. D. Scanlon (Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Limerick, Ireland), and M. Jönsson-Niedziółka (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw)
Kinetics of V5+/V4+ Redox Reaction: An Analysis Based on Eyring Equation
M. Neergat (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay) and A. Tripathi (IITBOMBAY)