A01 - Flow Battery

Tuesday, 11 October 2022: 15:20-18:00
Room 224 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Trung Nguyen , Chockkalingam Karuppaiah and S. R. Narayanan
Exploring the Safety Aspects of Redox Flow Batteries
D. Juarez Robles (Underwriters Laboratories Inc), T. Rauhala (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.), and J. Jeevarajan (Underwriters Laboratories Inc)
Multichannel Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Equivalentcircuit Synthesis of a Kw-Scale Vanadium Redox Flow Battery
A. Trovo (University of Padua, Padova, Italy), W. Zamboni (Università degli studi di Salerno, Fisciano, Italy), and M. Guarnieri (University of Padua, Padova, Italy)
Novel Anolyte Redox Active Organic Molecules for Redox Flow Battery Applications
T. Stracensky (Northeastern University), S. Maurya, R. Mukundan (Los Alamos National Laboratory), and S. Mukerjee (Northeastern University)
High Electrocatalytic Performance of Cubic CeO2 Nanowires for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery
D. M. Kabtamu, C. H. Wang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology), A. W. Bayeh (Addis Ababa University), and G. Y. Lin (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology)
Vanadium/Water Electrolyser for Recharge of Vanadium Oxygen Fuel Cells
J. Noack, N. Roznyatovskaya (Fraunhofer-Institute for Chemical Technology), C. Menictas, M. Skyllas-Kazacos (University of New South Wales), and J. Tübke (Fraunhofer-Institute for Chemical Technology ICT)
Defect-Rich WOx Species-Modified Graphite Felt As High-Performance Electrode for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery
A. W. Bayeh (Addis Ababa University), D. M. Kabtamu, Y. C. Chung, and C. H. Wang (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology)