A02 - Beyond Lithium Ion

Wednesday, 12 October 2022: 08:00-12:00
Room 223 (The Hilton Atlanta)
Jie Xiao and Joshua W. Gallaway
R&D in Primary and Secondary Lithium Metal Batteries
J. Xiao (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Model-Informed Si Electrode Design Considering Dynamic Pore-Closure and Stack Pressure Effects
P. J. Weddle, A. Verma, A. M. Colclasure, and K. Smith (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
Cycle-Induced Structural Evolution of Sulfur Cathodes in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries
M. Manjum, S. A. Lateef, W. E. Mustain, and G. Jalilvand (University of South Carolina)
Molybdenum Oxide/Dopamine-Derived Carbon Electrodes with Enhanced Electrochemical Activity in Energy Storage Systems
N. Norouzi, D. Omo-Lamai, T. Averianov, F. Alimohammadi, and E. Pomerantseva (Drexel University)
Hybrid Lithium Polysulfide Flow Batteries for Large Scale Energy Storage
S. Nikman, A. Oudjana, T. Leckie (University of Strathclyde), P. Pallawela (StorTera Ltd), and T. Cadden (University of Strathclyde)
A Low Voltage, High Current All-Tungsten Redox Flow Battery
M. S. Anwar and A. Sarkar (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
Density and Volume Fraction Distribution of ZnO Discharge Products in Cylindrical Alkaline Battery Anodes after Intermittent Use
D. P. Guida (Northeastern University), A. C. Chuang, J. S. Okasinski (Argonne National Laboratory), M. Wendling, X. Chadderdon (Energizer Battery), and J. W. Gallaway (Northeastern University)
Statistical Approach to Design Zn Particle Size, Shape, and Crystallinity for Alkaline Batteries
B. Lenhart (University of South Carolina), M. Zuraw (Duracell), and W. E. Mustain (University of South Carolina)