E01 Electrodeposition for Energy Applications 6

Lead Organizer: Philippe M. Vereecken (imec, Belgium and M2S department, KU-Leuven, Belgium)

Co-organizers: Natasa Vasiljevic (School of Physics, University of Bristol) , Stanko R. Brankovic, Dr. (University of Houston) , Giovanni Zangari (University of Virginia) , Katherine E. Ayers (ProtonOnsite) , William Earl Mustain (University of South Carolina) and Fikile R. Brushett (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Thursday, 13 October 2022


E01 - Electrocatalysts1
Room 301
Chair(s): Philippe M. Vereecken and Luca Magagnin


E01 - Electrocatalysts 2
Room 301
Chair(s): Natasa Vasiljevic, Katherine E. Ayers and Philippe M. Vereecken


E01 - Electrodeposition for Energy Devices
Room 301
Chair(s): Fikile R. Brushett, Philippe M. Vereecken and Andreas Bund