I02 Frontiers of Chemical/Molecular Engineering in Electrochemical Energy Technologies 2: In Honor of Robert Savinell’s 70th Birthday

Lead Organizer: Yang Shao-Horn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Co-organizers: Jin Suntivich (Cornell University) , Zhichuan J Xu (Nanyang Technological University) , Rohan Akolkar (Case Western Reserve University) , Jesse S. Wainright (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA) , Yukari Sato (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Sci. Technol.) , John Staser (Ohio University) , Paul Kenis (Intl. Institute of Carbon Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I2CNER)) , Thomas A. Zawodzinski Jr. (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) and Burcu Gurkan (Case Western Reserve University)

Sunday, 9 October 2022


I02 - Flow Battery Morning Session
Room 220
Chair(s): Ethan J. Crumlin and Rohit G. Jadhav


I02 - Flow Battery Afternoon Session
Room 220
Chair(s): Jin Suntivich and Jia Yu

Monday, 10 October 2022


I02 - Fuel Cells and Electrolysis Morning Session
Room 220
Chair(s): David G Kwabi and Jiayu Peng


I02 - Fuel Cell and Electrolysis Afternoon Session
Room 220
Chair(s): Reshma R Rao and Sreeprasad T Sreenivasan
