I02 - Fuel Cells and Electrolysis Morning Session

Monday, 10 October 2022: 08:00-11:50
Room 220 (The Hilton Atlanta)
David G Kwabi and Jiayu Peng
(Invited) HT-PEMFC Based on Acid Doped Polybenzimidazoles of the Past Quarter Century
H. A. Hjuler (Blue World Technologies), Q. Li, D. Aili, J. O. O. Jensen (Technical University of Denmark), L. N. Cleemann, K. Azizi, and N. Seselj (Blue World Technologies)
Coffee break
(Invited) Using Ambient Pressure XPS to Probe the Solid/Gas and Solid/Liquid Interface Under in Situ and Operando Conditions
E. J. Crumlin (Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Chemical Sciences Division, LBNL)