Stable Hydrogen Generation from Copper/Titanium Oxide Heterogeneous Photocatalyst: A Confined Material Preparation Approach

Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Universal Ballroom (Expo Center)
X. L. Zhang (Zhengzhou University)
Possessing exceptional properties, such as suitable band edges for redox reactions, environmental friendliness, low cost, availability, as well as long-term stability against photo- and chemical-corrosion, further modification of titanium oxide with heterogeneous structure has drawn considerable attention in today’s development of high efficiency photocatalysts toward efficient hydrogen generation. In contrast to precious noble metals, e.g. Pt and Au, earth abundant copper based materials have proven to be capable alternatives. Relevant researches mainly focused on the preparation of copper oxides modified titanium oxide with only very limited attention on metallic copper. The most widely used conventional preparation approach, wet-impregnation, has shown difficulties in achieving a fine dispersion for a high population of small particles. In the present work, we demonstrate a new synthesis strategy, layered-titanate mediated preparation for high efficiency copper-modified titanium oxide photocatalysts that exhibit a hydrogen generation efficiency excess that of copper-modified P25 titanium oxide prepared through wet-impregnation for over 40%.