(Invited) Human Interactive Flexible Multi-Functional Sensor Sheets

Monday, 1 October 2018: 14:00
Universal 20 (Expo Center)
K. Takei (Osaka Prefecture University)
Human interactive and friendly sensor sheets have a great attention for internet of things (IoT) concept including healthcare and medical applications to collect multiple information from the variety of surfaces. To cover the device conformally and comfortably in the case of human body, mechanical flexibility with different types of sensors is required to monitor health conditions. Realizing the application needs to develop the device concepts and structures for macro-scale, multi-functionality with low cost process. In this talk, flexible multi-functional sensor sheets using mainly printing methods of inorganic nanomaterials will be introduced especially for healthcare and IoT applications as the future human interactive electronics. In addition to the proof-of-concept applications, stability and reliability of the printed flexible sensors will be discussed for moving forward to building more practical sensors in the market.