Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Universal Ballroom (Expo Center)
Carbon grease, CNT, graphene, and AgNWs have been generally used as materials of EAP actuator compliant electrode for large displacement. Carbon grease can withstand for large displacement, but has low optical transparency and mechanical stability. Even though CNT, graphene and AgNWs are transparent compared with carbone grease, they should be thickly coated to secure a stable electric conductivity so that compliant electrodes are still opaque and limited to their applications. In order to verify plasmonic welding effect on AgNWs, we chose 1.75μl/cm2 among different AgNWs concentrations due to its high transparency. Glass substrate which is spary coated with 1.75μl/cm2 AgNWs was put into the chamber and irradiated with 500W halogen lamp. After the irradiation with different time, sheet resistance was measured 4 point probe. Sheet resistance does not change too much until 120 sec, 35 Ω/sq, gradually decreases, and has a minimum value of 19 Ω/sq at 180 sec. After then, sheet resistance increases and shows 198 Ω/sq at 240 sec. In order to confirm plasmonic welding effect on deformation of DE actuator exactly, deformation should be measured with the same DE actuator before and after plasmonic welding. In our conventional DE actuator fabrication process, acrylic frames are used to hold DE membrane. However, they are so vulnerable to heat that it can be easily twisted during plasmonic welding. Therefore, DE actuator (diameter of active area : 30mm) was fabricated by conventional fabrication process with perforated glass frame instead of acrylic frame. We measured its displacement with input voltage by Polytec PSV-500 scanning vibrometer before and after plasmonic welding. Concentration of AgNWs is 1.75μl/cm2 and plasmonic welding time was 180sec welding. The displacement of DE actuator before plasmonic welding was 51μm, 143μm, 320μm, 647μm, 1123μm, 1690μm, and 2240μm at 1 KV, 1.5 KV, 2 KV, 2.5 KV, 3 KV, 3.5 KV and 4Kv, respectively. After plasmonic welding, the displacement of DE actuator was 58μm, 159μm, 358μm, 717μm, 1242μm, 1876μm, and 2512μm at 1 KV, 1.5 KV, 2 KV, 2.5 KV, 3 KV, 3.5 KV and 4Kv, respectively.