This talk will focus on recent work by our group, our collaborators and other groups that has led to new records in the literature with regards to the achievable current and peak power density for Pt-containing AEMFCs, Pt-free AEMFCs, low PGM loading AEMFCs and completely PGM-free AEMFCs [2-6]. AEMFCs have also been demonstrated that are able to i) achieve high peak power densities (> 2 W cm-2); ii) operate stably for several hundred hours of operation; and iii) meet strategic DOE targets – including meeting performance targets while reducing the total PGM loading to 0.1 mg cm-2. It is intended that this talk will provide a roadmap to guide the future direction of AEMFC components and their operation.
The advances and demonstrations that will be discussed show that despite the fact that AEMFCs are still in their infancy relative to PEMFCs, they are nearing a point where they are ready to be taken seriously in the open market.
- J.R. Varcoe, P. Atanassov, D.R. Dekel, A.M. Herring, M.A. Hickner, P.A. Kohl, A.R. Kucernak, W.E. Mustain, K. Nijmeijer, K. Scott, T. Wu and L. Zhang, Anion-exchange membranes in electrochemical energy systems, Energy Environ. Sci., 7 (2014) 3135-3191
- T.J. Omasta, A. Park, J.M. LaManna, Y. Zhang, X. Peng, L. Wang, D. L. Jacobson, J.R. Varcoe, D.S. Hussey, B. Pivovar and W.E. Mustain, Beyond Catalysis and Membranes: Visualizing and Solving the Challenge of Electrode Water Accumulation and Flooding in AEMFCs, Energy Environ. Sci., In Press, DOI: 10.1039/C8EE00122G.
- T.J. Omasta, L. Wang, X. Peng, C.A. Lewis, J.R. Varcoe and W.E. Mustain, Importance of Balancing Membrane and Electrode Water in Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, J. Power Sources, 375 (2018) 205-213. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.05.006
- S. Gottesfeld, D.R. Dekel, M. Page, C. Bae, Y. Yan, P. Zelenay, and Y.S. Kim, Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: Current Status and Remaining Challenges. J. Power Sources, 375 (2018) 170–184.
- L. Wang, J.J. Brink, Y. Liu, A.M. Herring, J. Ponce-González, D.K. Whelligan and J.R. Varcoe, Non-fluorinated pre-irradiation-grafted (peroxidated) LDPE-based anion-exchange membranes with high performance and stability, Energy Environ. Sci., 10 (2017) 2154-2167.
- B.S. Pivovar, "Advanced Ionomers & MEAs for Alkaline Membrane Fuel Cells" DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Review. (2017)