In this study, operando electrochemical on-line mass spectrometry (EOMS) has been used to quantitatively detect the gases produced during high voltage hold of ECs in aqueous electrolytes and to reveal the realistic degradation mechanisms of the system. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the various reactions occurring at the carbon/electrolyte interface of the positive and negative electrodes is based on correlating the charge recorded as leakage current with the amount of charge spent at each electrode to: i) produce gases during potentiostatic floating taking into account MS signals and pressure records and ii) oxidize the surface of both electrodes taking into account post-mortem surface functionality analyses realized by temperature programmed desorption (see Figure 1). During continuous floating at 1.5 V, the leaking charge which passes through EC utilizing lithium sulfate electrolyte and carbon based electrodes is spent for water decomposition with formation of gaseous products, oxidation of carbon surface on both electrodes, and other parasitic reactions (ionic charge diffusion, formation of by-products during water electrolysis). Besides, it will be shown that system degradation is kinetically dependent on the amount of actives sites present on the electrodes surface. This strategy will then be extended to analyze the causes of performance degradation for ECs in organic electrolytes.
The Polish National Science Center (NCN) is acknowledged for supporting the OPUS project UMO 2014/15/B/ST4/04957.
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