(Invited) Semiconductor Nanoheterostructures for Photoconversion Applications

Tuesday, 2 October 2018: 09:00
Universal 20 (Expo Center)
Y. J. Hsu (National Chiao Tung University)
With the inherently high degree of complexity, nanoheterostructures composed of two or more materials joined in unique architectures may exhibit superior synergetic properties that are difficult or impossible to acquire from their individual constituents. For semiconductor nanoheterostructures, the relative band alignment of the constituents promotes effective charge separation to bring them desirable properties for photoconversion applications. Several representative works from our lab including Au-CdS [1,2], Au-ZnS core-shell nanocrystals [3,4], Au-decorated TiO2 nanorods [5], Au-decorated ZnO nanocrystals [6], and Au@Cu7S4-decorated TiO2 nanowires [7] will be introduced to demonstrate the promising potentials of semiconductor nanoheterostructures.


[1] Chen, W.-T.; Yang, T.-T.; Hsu, Y.-J. Chem. Mater. 2008, 20, 7204-7206.

[2] Yang, T.-T.; Chen, W.-T.; Hsu, Y.-J.; Wei, K.-H.; Lin, T.-Y.; Lin, T.-W. J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114, 11414-11420.

[3] Chen, W.-T.; Hsu, Y.-J. Langmuir 2010, 26, 5918-5925.

[4] Chen, W.-T.; Lin, Y.-K.; Yang, T.-T.; Pu, Y.-C.; Hsu, Y.-J. Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 8486-8488.

[5] Pu, Y.-C.; Wang, G.; Chang, K.-D.; Ling, Y.; Lin, Y.-K.; Fitzmorris, B. C.; Liu, C.-M.; Lu, X.; Tong, Y.; Zhang, J. Z.; Hsu, Y.-J.; Li, Y. Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 3817-3823.

[6] Chiu, Y.-H.; Chang, K.-D.; Hsu, Y.-J. J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6, 4286-4296.

[7] Chiu, Y.-H.; Hsu, Y.-J. Nano Energy 2017, 31, 286-295.