Composition Effects on the Aqueous-Electrolyte Stability of Fe-Based O2-Reduction Catalysts for PEFC Cathodes

Thursday, 4 October 2018: 11:20
Star 2 (Sunrise Center)
J. Herranz, K. Ebner (Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institut), M. Nachtegaal (In situ X-Ray Spectroscopy, Paul Scherrer Institut), B. Kim (Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institut), and T. J. Schmidt (ETH Zürich, Paul Scherrer Institute)
The excessive cost of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) could be significantly reduced if the Pt-based catalysts currently used in these devices’ cathodes could be substituted with Pt-group metal (PGM-) free catalysts based on abundant elements like iron. Such materials have been studied since the mid-sixties, and the recent refinement of their syntheses has led to catalysts displaying O2-reduction reaction (ORR) activities commensurate with those of Pt-based catalysts (if at ≈ 4-fold larger loadings).1-3 Despite this progress, the applicability of such PGM-free catalysts remains hindered by their limited stability, which has been attributed to multiple mechanisms for which the relative contribution to the overall ORR-activity decay remains poorly understood.4 Specifically, little is known regarding how the stability is affected by the catalyst’s composition,5 which preponderantly consists of ORR-active Fe-N4 like sites and Fe-agglomerates (e.g., nitrides, carbides) for which the catalytic activity remains under debate.

These relative contributions to the overall instability could be differentiated by synthesizing PGM-free catalysts with a controlled composition. With this motivation, we have developed a novel catalyst synthesis approach in which polyacrylonitrile, Na2CO3 and FeII-phenanthroline are used as the C-/N-, porosity- and iron-precursors, respectively;6 most importantly, by tuning the temperature of the first heat treatment performed on these precursors’ mixture, PGM-free catalysts with the intended, controlled composition could be prepared. Transmission electron microscopy measurements of a catalyst prepared at 650 °C suggest that this catalyst exclusively consists of Fe-N4 like sites, whereas increasing the temperature leads to the emergence of carbon-encapsulated iron-carbide agglomerates that become predominant in the 750 °C sample. These observations were confirmed by the Fourier transformed extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra displayed in Figure 1A, whereby the Fe-Fe scattering peak at ≈ 2.2 Å (uncorrected for phase shifts) can be attributed to Fe-agglomerates7 that are nevertheless present (in increasing proportions) in the 700 and 750°C samples. These three catalysts were subsequently submitted to stability tests in 0.1 M HClO4 in which their potential was held at either 0.6 or 0.9 V vs. the reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE) while periodically determining their ORR-activity by rotating disc electrode (RDE) voltammetry. As an example of these results, the catalyst prepared at 700 °C undergoes a faster deactivation when held at 0.6 vs. 0.9 V vs. RHE, which could be related to the dissolution of the iron carbide at this lower potential,5 thus indirectly confirming the ORR-imparting capacity of this Fe-agglomerate phase.3

In summary, this contribution will provide greatly-needed insight on the potential-dependent deactivation of PGM-free catalysts with a controlled composition.


[1] E. Proietti, F. Jaouen, M. Lefèvre, N. Larouche, J. Tian, J. Herranz, and J.-P. Dodelet, Nat. Commun. 2, 416 (2011).

[2] T. Chung, D. A. Cullen, D. Higgins, B. T. Sneed, E. F. Holby, K. L. More, P. Zelenay, Science 357, 479 (2017).

[3] Strickland, E. Miner, Q. Jia, U. Tylus, N. Ramaswamy, W. Liang, M.-T. Sougrati, F. Jaouen, S. Mukerjee, Nat. Commun. 6, 7343 (2015).

[4] Banham, S. Ye, K. Pei, J.-I. Ozaki, T. Kishimito, Y. Imashiro, J. Power Sources 285, 334 (2015).

[5] H. Choi, C. Baldizzone, J.-P. Grote, A. K. Schuppert, F. Jaouen, K. J. J. Mayrhofer, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54, 12753 (2015).

[6] Ebner, J. Herranz, B.-J. Kim, S. Henning, M. Demicheli and T. J. Schmidt, submitted.

[7] Zitolo, V. Goellner, V. Armel, M. T. Sougrati, T. Mineva, L. Stievano, E. Fonda, and F. Jaouen, Nat. Mater. 14, 937 (2015).

Figure 1. Fourier-transformed EXAFS spectra of a series of PGM-free catalysts with an initial iron content of 0.5 wt. % Fe and prepared at temperatures of 650, 700 or 750 °C in the first heat treatment step (A). Effect of the applied potential on the stability of the catalyst prepared at 700°C, whereby the catalyst-loaded RDE (with ≈ 500 μgcatayst∙cmgeom-2) was held at the specified potential in N2-saturated 0.1 M HClO4 for the time specified in the X-axis, and this deairated electrolyte was temporarily saturated with O2 to determine the ORR‑activity values in the Y-axis (B). Note that the initial ORR-activity of this catalyst at 0.8 V vs. RHE was 4.5 A∙g-1.