(Invited) Chemical and Electrochemical Stability of Fast Lithium Ion Conducting Garnet-Type Metal Oxides in H2o, Aqueous Solution, CO2, Li and S

Monday, 1 October 2018: 10:40
Universal 22 (Expo Center)
V. Thangadurai (University of Calgary)
Fast lithium ion conducting garnet-type metal oxides are promising electrolytes for next-generation all-solid-state Li batteries and beyond Li-ion intercalation batteries, including Li-air and Li-S.1 Li-stuffed garnets show high total Li-ion conductivity (> 10-4 S/cm at room temperature) and good chemical stability against reaction with elemental Li.2,3 In the presence of moisture and aqueous environments, lithium-stuffed garnets are known to undergo fast H+/Li+ exchange, 3 while they are known to react with carbon dioxide, forming Li2CO3, under ambient atmosphere.4 Li-stuffed garnets exhibit wide electrochemical stability window of 9 V vs. Li+/Li at room temperature.4 Li dendrite formation and high area specific resistance for the reaction are being addressed by surface modification.5,6 In this talk, an overview of the chemical and electrochemical stability of various lithium-based garnets, developed in authors’ group and also elsewhere, against moisture/humidity, carbon dioxide, sulfur, and metallic lithium will be discussed.4


  1. A. Manthiram, X. Yu and S. Wang, Nat. Rev. Mater., 2, 16103 (2017).
  2. V. Thangadurai, S. Narayanan and D. Pinzaru, Chem. Soc. Rev., 43, 4714 (2014).
  3. K. Hofsetetter, A.J. Samson and V. Thangadurai, Solid State Ionics, 318, 71 (2018).
  4. V. Thangadurai, K. Hofstetter, A.J. Samson and S. Narayanan, J. Power Sources, Submitted.
  5. X. G. Han, Y. H. Gong, K. Fu, X. F. He, G. T. Hitz, J. Q. Dai, A. Pearse, B. Y. Liu, H. Wang, G. Rublo, Y. F. Mo, V. Thangadurai, E. D. Wachsman and L. B. Hu, Nat. Mater., 16, 572 (2017).
  6. K. K. Fu, Y. H. Gong, B. Y. Liu, Y. Z. Zhu, S. M. Xu, Y. G. Yao, W. Luo, C. W. Wang, S. D. Lacey, J. Q. Dai, Y. N. Chen, Y. F. Mo, E. Wachsman and L. B. Hu, Sci, Adv., 3, 11 (2017).