Luminescent Thermometry Using Mn4+ Doped Li2TiO3 Probe

Monday, 1 October 2018
Universal Ballroom (Expo Center)
S. Kuzman, Z. Ristic (Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences), B. Milićević, M. Medic (University of Belgrade, Vinča Institute), V. Djordjevic (Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences), S. R. Lukic Petrovic (University of Novi Sad, Department of Physics), and M. Dramicanin (University of Belgrade, Vinca Institute)
Luminescent thermometry is extensively investigated because it provides sensitive contactless temperature measurments. This method is proposed for measurements at place which are difficult to access and in a nanoscale environments. Two types of self-referenced luminescent thermometry methods were commonly used: fluorescence intensity ratio method, and thermometry based on an emission decay times.

Titanates activated with transition metals have wide applications. In this paper we show that Mn4+ doped Li2TiO3 powder can be used for the luminescence thermometry. Here, we investigated possibility of using this material for the temperature determination from emission decays over the room temperature to 100 deg temperature range. Emission decay curves were measured at the strongest emission peak (680 nm). Data analysis showed that thermometry with this probe shows 3.8%/K relative sensitivity and superiour temperature resolution of 0.03 K over the complete temperature range.