Development of a Hydrogen Contaminant Detector

Sunday, 30 September 2018: 11:30
Star 7 (Sunrise Center)
C. J. Banas (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Connecticut), A. Yilmaz (Center for Clean Energy Engineering, Univ. of Connecticut, Institute of Material Science, Univ. of Connecticut), B. Aponte (Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Connecticut), L. J. Bonville (University of Connecticut), U. Pasaogullari (Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Connecticut), G. Hesler, and T. M. Molter (Skyre Inc.)
As fuel cell vehicles (FCV) are introduced and commercialized, durability remains a critical characteristic towards competing with the lifecycle of conventional vehicle engines1. Reforming and electrolysis still remain as the dominant production processes for the foreseeable future for the hydrogen fuel. Coupled with transportation, storage, and delivery into FCVs, numerous sources of contamination are possible to introduce impurities into hydrogen fuel, which can enter into and poison the fuel cell, leading to rapid degradation of performance.

In this work, we detail the development of an electrochemical hydrogen contaminant detector (HCD) designed to measure the quality of hydrogen fuel dispensed at the filling station against the specifications outlined by the SAE J27192. Specifically, the role that mass transport plays in the sensor response is discussed. The sensor consists of a two-electrode system, for hydrogen oxidation and evolution in the fueling system environment, which consist of a low surface area platinum and platinum-rhodium alloy couple. A Nafion electrolyte coats the tip of the HCD to conduct protons between the electrodes.

Baseline performance is measured on clean hydrogen, which rapidly degrades when the impurities are presented. Experimental response of the HCD to carbon monoxide is presented3. A thin Nafion film, provides rapid response within 30 seconds, but quickly degraded and delaminated off the electrode surfaces. Development of more durable Nafion electrolyte film is discussed which shows much slower response time due to increased thickness. The effect of relative humidity, alternate electrolytes and high-pressure on the HCD response are also presented.


1) U.S. Drive Fuel Cell Tech Team Roadmap, https://www.energy.gov/eere/vehicles/downloads/us-drive-fuel-cell-technical-team-roadmap (2017).

2) SAE International Surface Vehicle Standard J2719TM, http://standards.sae.org/j2719_201511/ (2015).

3) C.J. Banas, L.J. Bonville, U. Pasaogullari and T.M. Molter, ECS Trans., 80(8), 497-507 (2017).