Water and Proton Concentration Affects the Electrocatalytic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide in Ionic Liquids

Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Universal Ballroom (Expo Center)
S. K. Shaw and A. Hailu (University of Iowa)
We report efforts to carry out the reduction of CO2 in mixtures of imidazolium based RTIL in water (H2O) as functions IL:H2O solution ratio and solution pH. IL electrolytes are expensive (relative to water) and many are hydroscopic. Development of CO2 reduction methods based on electrolytes tolerant of significant amounts of water is desirable for large-scale processes. Further, optimization of solution conditions will allow reduced over-potentials, suppression of the competing hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), increases in diffusion rate of dissolved carbon dioxide, and overall improved current efficiencies. In this work we discuss the varying concentration and source of protons in the context of results obtained by carrying out the CO2 reduction in aqueous/IL solutions at various pH values.